Sunday, May 31, 2009


Bebelan dari NFM pada 11:44 AM 2 comments

This morning feel like a princess.haha.
Oh baiknya adik aku.
Aku dok online dalam bilik mak aku.
Sambil breakfast di sini.
Apiq yang baik hati ni telah membawa breakfast ku ke sini.
Serta membawa laptop untuk aku online.
Sekarang ni dia berumur 8 tahun.
Tadi aku tanya dia darjah berapa sebab aku tak sure,haha.
Dia boleh jawab,
"Nape?Ada peminat ke?"

Friday, May 29, 2009

Its complicated to predict.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 10:51 AM 0 comments
I really dont understand,why you act like that?
I don't think I do something wrong and if I really did I knew it.
But pls stop mad at me if you have no reason.
I'm stressed.

I'm sitting here,shut up.
You're still,mad at me.

Who am i to you?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ah bosannya.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 8:01 AM 0 comments
Cuti ni amat membosankan.
Tak tahu nak buat apa.
Arrrghhh bosannya.
Bangun pagi mesti pukul 8am,tebangun sendiri.
7hb Eqa nak pergi register MMU dah.
So tinggal aku dekat sini dengan bosan.
Daus dengan Apiq pergi sekola.
Tapi kenapa dekat Cyber bila tak de keja nak buat tak bosan eh?
Sebab ada you ke chenta hati??

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Bebelan dari NFM pada 9:43 AM 0 comments
Tadi ym dengan Rany,dia tanya dekat mana sebab nk hantar kad jemputan kawen dia.
Alhamdulilah dah nak kawin dah dia kan.
Lan dah dapat anak dah,nanti u pulak.hehe.

Lan dengan Rany orang yang aku rapat masa kerja dekat Hyatt dlu.
Tapi sekarang ni dah tutup dah Hyatt JB.
So dua-dua dah kawen,wish you selamat berbahagia!

Canon Selphy ES30.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 9:13 AM 0 comments

Noor Fharina Binti Mohamad mahu ini dan memujuk Encik Mohamad belikan,
lalu beliau berkata setelah beliau balik Malaysia 6June ni,beliau akan belikan.

Thanks Abah, hopefully jangan la anda lupa ye..hehe.

James Baum!

Bebelan dari NFM pada 8:32 AM 0 comments
Goodluck exam sayang at 9am today.
Nothing much to do in this early morning
and my stomach was now beginning to rumble.
These few days,no great story to share,just stayed at home and let myself drown by the books.
Now,no more papers and change those Accounting books to my English novel.
Finish the STEP ON IT CUPID novel and next,ONE NIGHT STAND novel.

Now,I'm in love with JAMES BAUM!
Check it out his song, Skirts,Locked in Love and etc.
Do you wondering who are James Baum?
He is one of the singer OST BOHSIA-CIK ADIK.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Aina!

Bebelan dari NFM pada 12:45 PM 0 comments

i love you i love you i love you

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Microeconomics final exam.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 8:19 PM 0 comments
Exam Microeconomics petang tadi.Susah dowh.
Suppose habis pukul 5.30pm but aku kuar dari Mph extension tu pukul 4.15pm.
Tak larat nak menatap soalan yang tak boleh nak dijawab tu.
Dah la coursework untuk Micro tu failed.
Ishk macam mana ni nak cover result exam ni.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kelebihan bangun pagi.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 2:01 PM 3 comments
Kelebihan bangun pagi hari ialah dapat berjumpe dengan Ashraf Muslim!
Dekat Hassan,dia tengah breakfast ramai-ramai,baru nak start shooting kot.
Handsome dowh!!

Suri rumah.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 9:57 AM 0 comments
Hari ni bangun pagi tau dalam pukul 8am. Nak tidur balik dah tak boleh.
So bangun. Tengok rumah berselerak.
Amik vacum terus bersihkan apa yang patut, cuci pinggan yang sape tak basuh tu.
Siap Ashraf nak pergi kerja, cakap aku surirumah tangga lagi.haha.

Today no exam,so relax sikit la.
Ish banyak la punya relax,rabu khamis ada exam lagi kot.

Sekarang ni aku lapar,yang sangat2.
Sayang,u tak nak bangun ke??

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2nd Year Anniversary!

Bebelan dari NFM pada 3:22 AM 5 comments
It is our second year anniversary!

As our final exam is just around a corner, Apiez and I suggest to celebrate 15.05 because boleh continue study kan. Okay malam 14.05 tu, he asked me an opinion baju apa yang dia nak pakai, while me already pick up the black dress.

Actually,aku dah ready 3 presents for him, a birthday card + i love you sand art, POLO shirt and 1 set EUROPHIA MEN perfume..

So,masa dia cakap dia takde baju yang elok untuk dipakai,aku terus cakap,
" Yang,kejap eh i nak pergi toilet.."
Then,terus lari,masok bilik Nisha and amik kotak present POLO shirt tu, and datang balik dekat dia and wish in advanced. Dia tercengang and I ask him to open up the box and he loves that shirt. So,dia nak pakai baju tu untuk esok nak keluar.

Kuar rumah at 4pm and headed to Ikano,beli makanan arnab and makanan kucing. Lepas tu pergi Cineleisure check ticket movie but time dah turun kereta dekat parking tu,suddenly dia tercengang. When i asked him why,he never answered, let himself in and pick up something from the car and JENG JENG JENG! The present for me, a necklace!! It looks alike with the necklace he bought me on my birthday but it lost during Astro Fest. Time tu memang menangis la. But this time, besar sikit dari yang hilang tu. Time dia bagi and nak pakaikan tu, automatically I'm crying and hug him.. Coz i really wanted the lost necklace back and now he bought for me. I loves the necklace.

Then,directly dia bawak aku pergi makan dekat TUPAI-TUPAI. Actually, the whole day he wont let me eat anything sebab dia nak bagi aku betul2 lapar. After dah pilih the food, g dekat meja and aku cakap aku tertinggal handphone dekat kereta la. Dia pun kata okay and time tu la pergi amik perfume present tu.. Aku pergi dekat dengan dia and wish him HAPPY 2ND YEAR ANNIVERSARY SAYANG! and he makes muka tercengang lagi.haha. Dia bukak wrapping paper Calvin Klein tu and dia suka the perfume because dia memang nak perfume tu pun..

After we cover up our hungry,pergi tengok movie cerita, I LOVE YOU MAN! For those yang belum tengok cerita tu lagi,go and buy the tickets now,BEST!

and the birthday card,bg last sekali. He read it and give me a kiss =)


For you sayang, Thanks very much for the relationship. I appreciate it and i believe it can be forever,Insyaallah. And please sayang,jangan cakap duit i habis and membazir utk u k coz i did all this for you and ikhlas sangat2. I love you sayang. Cinta sangat2..


p/s : Thanks untuk kawan2 yang wish =)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All about love.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 6:10 AM 5 comments
Life wont be complete if there is no love. Love to Allah,love to the family,love the friends,love to the boyfriend,love to the pets and etc. For me, I love everythings that can make me smile all day long.. I love animals and now i have a rabbit, Bugsy and Bitbit which Bitbit was mine and Bugsy own by Jieja.

I got a best family ever. I have a best daddy, sporting mum, the best sister and the naughty brothers and not forgotten Kelly! I love you all!

Boyfriend? Oh I'm so lucky having him. He makes me cry and laugh but he still my no 1. I love you sayang.

And I'm happy seeing my friends in love with my housemates,
Ashraff & Aina
Piyoi & Jieja
Awan & Nisha
Eboy & Anne

and soon will be

Farid Kodel & Malin!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Out of mood.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 6:43 PM 0 comments


Bebelan dari NFM pada 6:33 PM 0 comments
Its hard to predict the human attitude and to me just ignore it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crisis with the friend.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 1:38 AM 0 comments

Lately ni ada crisis with the housemates, sedih,happy,and etc. Alhamdulilah semuanya dah berakhir and everythings back to normal.