Monday, October 18, 2010

For now.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 1:23 AM
Hey sorry sebab dah lama gila tak update blog. Rasa macam dah takde cerita menarik nak diceritakan.By the way, I just recovered from fever. And now suara sengau because of batuk,flu and hidung tersumbat. Sekarang ni musim demam kan.Hopefully,penyakit hilang before I start my new sem.

MMU dah start new sem tomorrow but not for me. I sambung cuti lagi 1 week. So, I tak datang lecture class for first week. Kesian to my lil bro. Abah pun baru sampai sini tadi and he will stay here until Friday. On Friday I will fetch my granny and grandpa untuk jaga adik-adik. I took only 4subjects this semester. Takut nak amik banyak-banyak sebab I took Corporate Accounting 1. Budak last sem kata,subjek tu susah menggila.So,hopefully,I boleh la nak melayan 4subject ni. So,subject for this semester are :

1) Corporate Accounting 1
2) Securities Investment
3) Company Law
4) Management Decision Science

Btw, rindu dengan Kelly,Keero,Louie,Lucky and Loopy. Simon,Sky and Sylvester doing great here. Simon and Sky makin manja hari demi hari but not for Sylvester or nama panggilannya Bester. Bester macam tahu yang dia tak lama kat rumah ni.Simon sebutannya sebutan Melayu okay, Si-mon not sai-men. Nama tu amik nama kucing yg makcik Apiez bela.hee.


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