SK,not Seri Kembangan but Syafiq Kadir.
Someone i knew from my past and dah lama tak jumpa since form 4 i think.
Oh i couldn't remember but rasanya last jumpa raya tahun bila entah,both of us ikut Zharif pergi open house one of his friend.
Yes,itu last!
Now,dia dah ada kat sini but aku busy with classes and final exam.
So takde masa utk di luangkan 1 hari dgn dia and balik Jb every week.
But he could understand.Thank you!haha.
14th Dec,dia suruh dtg jumpa dia before aku rushing balik Cyberjaya mlm tu jugak from Sarawak.
So,jumpa dia dengan Zharif dekat kedai mamak Osman,Bandar Baru Uda.(BBU)
Okay,guess what?
I got an Ipod Nano from him at mamak's!haha.
Its limited edition! RED COLOR.
Plus,got my name at the back of the Ipod Nano.
ryn's NANO
-sweet 21-
-sweet 21-
Repeated, i've got my NANO at mamak's!
Another birthday present for me ;)
Btw,to Fiq,i would like to say a big thank you for this ;)
I'm happy and yeah i'm happy!hehe
The card,sweet! and thanks again!
I've just finished my final exam and nnti kita chill together once i kat JB ok.
Another birthday present for me ;)
Btw,to Fiq,i would like to say a big thank you for this ;)
I'm happy and yeah i'm happy!hehe
The card,sweet! and thanks again!
I've just finished my final exam and nnti kita chill together once i kat JB ok.
p/s : btw, one day before Syafiq bagi Ipod Nano,
abah belikan Ipod Touch for me as my bday
present too ;) see, i've got 2 Ipod's!
abah belikan Ipod Touch for me as my bday
present too ;) see, i've got 2 Ipod's!
dah lame idamkan i..:(
hehe so ape lg,grab it faster!
best ;)
ohhhhhh! terharunya!
thanks FM. ;)
sorry couldn't pose as much as i can. sbb u know why la kan. tak abes baek lagi gigi tu. heeeee.
no biggie SK ;)
yeah i know,bibir yg cm mulut platipus tu kan?HAHA!
platipus hensem. :P
erk okay.
ok ye platipus yg hensem.HAHA!
okeh, tuka la. platipus yg maskulin!
okay fine!
platipus yg maskulin.
minum susu kuat tiap mlm =p
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