Heyya! I am in the bus right now heading to Johor Bahru my hometown. Its quite a long time okay I tak naik bus sebab usually I drive but today I rasa malas gila and penat nak drive. Plus, my dad will send me back to Cyberjaya on Saturday.
Sepatutnya I boleh naik bus from Putrajaya Sentral tapi dorg akan stop for a while to fetch the other passengers. Scary je kalau I sorg yang naik bus from Cyberjaya to Seremban kan. So, the boyfriend willing to send me to Puduraya. Seriously, we both tak tahu langsung yang Puduraya hanya utk ke arah Utara. Dah sesak mengharungi jammed,sampai sana baru la kakak counter ticket tu bagitahu. Then,rushing pulak ke Bandar Tasik Selatan.
So bus paling awal at 8.30pm. Kalau tahu kat situ dah lama dah sampai dari Cyberjaya. This is my first time naik bus Transnasional and first time jugak naik dari TBS ni.Selalunya Apiez ikut sekali hantar sampai aku dah duduk kt dlm bus but not this time.
Rasa nak menangis, mata berkaca and bertakung mcm lopak air sebab bus ni ramai lelaki and aku mintak seat sorg tp dlm bus seat aku seat berdua tapi luckily takde orang.
Pozy will fetch me kat Larkin nanti. Apiez and Pozy kata tak selamat naik taxi tengah malam nak balik rumah. I love you boyfriend sayang, I love you bestfriend sayang. Thanks a lot!
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nasib baik pojy ade...GF die tau x? =P
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