Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Notebook.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 4:45 PM 3 comments

Last night I spent 2hours watch The Notebook and I really enjoyed it!
The movie is really meaningful.
For those who didn't watch this movie yet,I suggest you to watch it.
Even it isn't the new movie but Apiez and me loves it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The cause.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 5:41 AM 0 comments
The clock shows 5.42am and I still with my big eyes open.
Hell yeah,I cant sleep and I don't feel want to sleep.
But actually,I need to.
Its all because of Radix coffee I guess which I had some while waited my sister in a kitchen.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tagged by Nadira.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 2:51 AM 2 comments
Di tagged oleh nadira.

* State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.
* The 10 people I tag are to then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.

1- Aku tak berapa sangat suka drive. Penat woo.

2- Aku kena dgr suara Apiez everyday especially before tido.

3- Aku tersangat la suka shopping.

4- Sometimes aku lebih suka melepak kat rumah dr kuar.

5- Aku tak suka kalo org call aku ty "ni spe?". mmg aku trus ltk phone.

6- Loves some cute2 thingy.

7- Tido kegemaranku!

8- In one day,"i love you" mesti dikatakan ke si dia ;)

9- Aku tak suka kena marah,kena bebel walaupun aku yg salah.

10- I loves cuppacakes!

11- Aku jenis yang tak reti nak beramah mesra but pls dun assume yg aku ni sombong.

12- Aku ni mmg cepat marah walaupun benda tu cuma silap kecik je.

13- Aku kadang2 cepat nangis kalo aku tersinggung. Aku ni cpt kecik hati sbnrnye.=p

14- Its easy for me to say some bad words.

15- Aku benci orang masok cmpur dlm hal ko. Ko jge hal ko je bleh x?

Tag 10 people :-
Nabila @ Ila
Kak Azra
Kak Rima

Friday, October 24, 2008

Picture of open house.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 6:12 PM 3 comments

Syikin (Bob's gf),the red kurung tu aku tak kenal,Nisha (Awan's gf),Yaya (Alan's gf), Nisa (Bobo's gf) and definitely me (Apiez's gf)

Ini dia jejaka2 yang suka bergambar dari kitorang yang perempuan ni.haha.
Time ni dekat rumah Bobo.

Okay Med's house.Yuzzaen,Farid Kodel,Amir,Fharina (me), Zaie,Apiez and his nephew Adam!
Time ni dekat rumah Kak Ima (Apiez's sister).

Captured by Apiez's sister,Kak Ida.

Sofa tu la si Amir dengan si Farid tidur je.haha.
Open house at Kak Ima's house + celebrated their parents anniversary ;)
Sweet gitu.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Bebelan dari NFM pada 11:32 PM 1 comments
Okay as I posted in the previous entry, I went to Kl on Saturday. I stayed at Farid's house. Thanks Farid ;) I arrived at Serdang at 1.30pm. Apiez amik aku and kitorang terus pergi Hospital Putrajaya to visit my Yayang. Alhamdulilah dia okay and dia sangat kuat. Baru kuar dari operation room at 12.30pm and around 2pm dia dah gelak2 dah.haha. Aku ngan Apiez teman dia kat hospital sementara her sister and brother pergi makan. I love you yayang ;)

On Sunday,kitorang kena bangun pagi sebab nak g umh kakak Apiez sebab dia buat open house. Actually nervous kot.haha. Kat open house tu dapat la jumpa dgn Zaie and Yuzzaen. Balik dr umh kakak Apiez,kitorang g Klang lak umh Med. Dia pun buat open house. Next,rumah Bobo lak,open house jugak.Makan je kerja,mana la tak gemok kan.haha.

On Monday,bangun2 je terus order makan. Then g Alamanda tgk movie citer Max Payne. Aku balik at 11pm dgn Farid.Aku tido je dlm bus.haha.Luckily Farid kejut masa dah smpai.haha. Then we went to SS,smpai rumah je dah pukul 3.40pm.Balik terus tdo.haha.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mak o0o mak.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 5:03 PM 0 comments
Okay I woke up this morning at 8am because bibik ketuk pintu bilik aku mcm nak roboh pintu bilik.
bibik : Anna,mak suruh bangun. Kata mak kamu lagi mahu pergi.
aku : (blurr jp) Huh?Pergi mana??
bibik : Nggak tahu bibik.
Aku pun ngantok2 rajin kan diri turun ke dapur,
mak : Mak,nak pergi mana?
aku : Kau kata nak pergi Kl.
mak : Huh??Mak beli ticket arini ke?Kan anna ckp anna pergi esok.
aku : Lorr kesahnye,mak beli ticket kau arini,dah sayang ticket.
Aku pun naik bilik semula dan tidur.haha.

Now,my mum go to gym and dia kata dia balik nanti baru beli ticket baru. Hopefully ada la kan. =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Bebelan dari NFM pada 11:29 PM 2 comments
I cant wait for this Saturday,go to Cyberjaya to meet my bf,Farid,Amir and dear Anne. My mom bought a bus ticket for this Saturday at 10.30am. Okay, I remind myself to wake up early that day..Chaiyok Fharina! =)

Until now, I still waiting for presentation result and offer letter for degree. Haish bila result nak kuar ni.. Day after day and my life getting so bored and its mean, saya semakin gemok dan buncit.haish.

Mak makan anak?

Bebelan dari NFM pada 5:18 PM 3 comments
Lately ni aku rasa amat malas nak update blog maybe sebab dah jangkit Nafisz kot. haha. Sorry Nafisz =p

Okay now lets begin my story. Hamster aku beranak lagi and kali ni banyak sikit. 8 ekor! but aku betul2 sedih sebab tak de sekor pun yang hidup. Maybe dia rasa terancam kot sebab uncle aku ni asyik tengok2 je and bising sgt. Haish aku cukup2 kesal. Aku baru berangan tengok my 3rd generation hamster aku. I hope next time dia beranak lagi and aku tak kan benarkan spe2 pun tengok and buat dia rse terancam lg. Aku memang betul2 rse sedih.. Half mak dia makan and half dia mati sendiri.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Bebelan dari NFM pada 11:14 PM 1 comments
My life now is so incredible,indescribably hard. So many problems to face it. Yeah, had some arguments with my bf lately but last night is the night which I couldn't forget. He's the one I need now and forever. I'm sorry sayang for all the shit things happened. I love you. Thanks for your understanding.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hamster mati.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 12:15 AM 3 comments
1 of my hamster dah mati dah. Maybe sakit tua kot =p. Hamster jantan yang dulunya gemuk dah jadi kurus dah. Mungkin terlalu sedih kot yang betina mati. Ada lagi sepasang hamster yang dah tua jugak kot,maybe tunggu masa je. Tapi hamster yang berpasangan ni gemok. So dari situ boleh tahu betapa bahagia nya kalo ada pasangan ni. Bukan kat manusia je tau,haiwan pun.haha.

Anak-anak hamster ni dah sebulan lebih dah dan mereka membesar dengan cepat. 2 betina dan 1 jantan. Comel-comel je =). And now I thought of bela ikan yang kecik-kecik tu yang kale-kale and ekor kembang tu. Maybe when I start my degree kot. I prefer the small fish sebab mereka comel dan cantik-cantik =).

Kelly semakin ligat gila sekarang ni. This month 2bulan dah dia. Dia comel and sometimes dia nak main-main tapi disebabkan kuku dia amat panjang dan tajam,tangan kaki aku dah calar-balar
dah. Adeyhs.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I love you.

Bebelan dari NFM pada 8:42 PM 1 comments
Dear,Mohd Hafiz bin Mohd Anuar,

I'm not perfect,
I'll annoy you,
piss you off,
say stupid stuff,
and then take it back,
But put that all aside,
you'll never find a girl that cares and loves you
more than me..


Bebelan dari NFM pada 1:15 AM 0 comments
I felt so bad tonight. Not in a good mood. Terrible. Crying. I just a girl who start with her new life and not even want to think about her past. Please, get me away from it. I tried to be so tough,not as weak as before. I hate it when people starring at me like I'm nothing. My past make me should beware and get what the best thing I could deserve. I appreciate what I have now, my boyfriend and my beloved friends.

Sometimes I keep thinking why I'm so easy to hate someone if she or he did something which might hurt me and my friends. That's all because I do love my friends,my boyfriend,my sister or brothers. I wont let them hurt.

Tonight, I off my handphone, i invi my ym and also msn. Just because I need to be alone. But I talk to someone through ym. Thanks friend. And do something with what I've told you.

To sayang, I'm sorry because I mad at you today. I didn't pick up your phone calls, didn't replied one of your ym. I'm hurt. I'm scared. Even though you just think nothing happens but if I hate something or someone, i hate it forever and I cant control my feelings. You can think whatever you wanna think but deep inside I didn't meant to hurt you,to make you disappointed with me. I love you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Bebelan dari NFM pada 10:14 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya,

Bebelan dari NFM pada 12:16 PM 1 comments

Hello to my beloved readers and friends, on this 1st Raya, I take this opportunity to wish you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Forgive me for all my wrong doings in past or present and sengaja or tak sengaja. 1001 kemaafan. Have a great Raya. Maaf zahir & batin.