Thursday, October 16, 2008


Bebelan dari NFM pada 11:29 PM
I cant wait for this Saturday,go to Cyberjaya to meet my bf,Farid,Amir and dear Anne. My mom bought a bus ticket for this Saturday at 10.30am. Okay, I remind myself to wake up early that day..Chaiyok Fharina! =)

Until now, I still waiting for presentation result and offer letter for degree. Haish bila result nak kuar ni.. Day after day and my life getting so bored and its mean, saya semakin gemok dan buncit.haish.


Mohamad Hafiz bin Mohd Anuar said...

x sabar jumpa kamu juga cinta!

NFM said...

heeh u ni nafisz.
i bukannye stay smpai 26th pun.
26th kwn i pun wt open house gk.hehee.

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