Got class at 11am,Qualitative Analysis.
Woke up at 10.30am,thanks Jieja for the morning knocked! =p
Had our lunch at HB2.
Went to Alamanda with my sayang.
Bought the perfume which smelled like my shampoo.
But i loves it!
Entered Mph,which is my favorite place to go.
I loves reading much!
Suddenly I found something very interesting!
A beautiful diary planner!
Seriously its lovely and beautiful!
It just cost RM19.90 and got free 2009 calendar.
My sister might be jealous.
*i dont care coz i like to*
Woke up at 10.30am,thanks Jieja for the morning knocked! =p
Had our lunch at HB2.
Went to Alamanda with my sayang.
Bought the perfume which smelled like my shampoo.
But i loves it!
Entered Mph,which is my favorite place to go.
I loves reading much!
Suddenly I found something very interesting!
A beautiful diary planner!
Seriously its lovely and beautiful!
It just cost RM19.90 and got free 2009 calendar.
My sister might be jealous.
*i dont care coz i like to*
-dun wory babe!!
afta dis aku grk hg g..
pnt brtungkus lumus stdy mlm lolx!!
kita kn bdk 5flat..
hehe :P
-adek erra fazira-
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