Seriously I think I have the right to scold her or advise her.
Because I'm her sister.
This is because of her bestfriend, I think there is no need to mention her name here.
If you know my sister, u might know her bestfriend.
- How do u feel if your sister's bestfriend come to your house and want to spend a night at your house but she didnt want to meet your mum to say hye or what? Ko tahu malu ke tak?
- How do u feel if she wearing your clothes without your permission?
- How do u feel if dia sewenang2 nya masok your parents bedroom without a permission,taking your mum's stuff eventhough your mum keep it nice and wearing it without telling your mum?
- How do u feel if she borrowing something from your sisters especially the expensive one and tak reti nak pulang balik? Mintak baru nak pulang.
- How u feel if she never asking the permission to borrow something from your sister but main ambik je sesuka hati?
- How do u feel if she's been busy ikot family gathering korang or just like your dad's birthday maybe. Hello,this is for my family.So you are not my family.
- What do you think if she want to hang out with her boyfriend but come to your house first untuk make up her face (your mum's make up) and wearing your sister's branded clothes. Maybe untuk show off kt boyfriend dia.
- And the most annoying is,she wearing your sister's underclothes and also yours without your permission. Eh ko ni kan, tahu jaga kebersihan ke tak?Tak tahu malu eh?
To my deary sister,aku nak ko tahu. Aku ni kakak ko,sampai mati pun kakak ko.Aku rasa ko dah cukup kenal aku kan perangai aku macam mana kalo aku dah tak suka orang. Aku marah ko hari tu sebab perangai kawan ko tu.Mak marah ko pun pasal ni.U went out without telling mum,and u want spent a night at your bestfriend's house without telling mum.Can u change your attitude tu dear? U just only think,whatever u want it,and ske2 ko je nak buat apa2 and org lain tak boleh halang. Ko ingat ko tu sapa? Berhari2 ko tak tegur mak kan. Ko ni dah kenapa? Hilang akal ke apa? Mak tu dah terlebih sabar dgn ko. Mak ngadu dia kecik hati dengan perangai ko yang tak betul tu,sampai sakit dada mak tu tahan dgn perangai ko tau. Ko ni pasal your useless friend tu ko sanggup kan tak nak tgur mak sendiri,family sendiri. Kalo nak duit ke nak apa2,pandai buat baik ngn mak.Mak dh bg beratus2,pas 2 ko senyap.
Ko nak tahu tak,aku ni buat cam ni sebab aku tak suka tengok adik aku sendiri dibodoh2kn orang lain.Ko paham tak?Kalo kwn aku kne bodoh2 kn pun aku tak suka tahu tak. Ko ingt aku nak diam je ke? Aku memang tak bleh sabar,kalo aku nak lepas,aku lepas je.Aku tak peduli pun sapa orang tu.Aku rasa ko dah cukup kenal aku kan.So please change your attitude and pergi tegur mak semula!Jahat2 aku ni pun,aku tak de sampai tak tegur mak berhari2 tahu tak.Ko tu nak spm nk failed sume ke? Kalo perangai ko still macam ni,ko dh g belajar nanti tak de sapa nak kwn ngn ko kalo ko nak orang ikot kepala ko je,ko th x.Masa tu ko jgn nk mintak tlg aku kalo ko tak nk dgr ckp aku sekarang.
"And the most annoying is,she wearing your sister's underclothes and also yours without your permission. Eh ko ni kan, tahu jaga kebersihan ke tak?Tak tahu malu eh?"
omg, pakai underclothes org? ini mmg melampau. sangat sangat melampau. sorry, fharina...menyibuk kt sini. rasa annoyed ngan sikap budak tak tau malu tu.
haah k.azra.
2 la melampau sgt kan.
ryna terkejut gila kn.
dia buat almari2 bju kt dlm umh ni mcm dia punye.
sangat x tahu malu!
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