Date : 29.11.2008
Time : 12am
Venue : Red Card,Bangi.
People : around 30++ person.

Cuppacakes for my Sayang from Wondermilk.
Anne & Amir.
Setibanya kami di Red Card.
Birthday song di nyanyikan.

Big birthday card!
and he loves it!

Present from me.

I know dia nak sangat benda ni.
So this is yours sayang!
Present from Farid and Amir.
Open it!And dia happy!T-shirt AX.

Present from Alan.
Kasut futsal,Nike.
Dia happy sangat2!
Make a wish Sayang!
Susah payah nak bukak cuppacake tu.
tak boleh blah muka.
Birthday Malin ke birthday Apiez ke,dorang ni suka suap2.

Anna Loves Apiez.
Anne Loves Amalina Loves Anna.
Friendship forever babe!

Eboy with his cuppacakes. ;)
Triple A's.
Uben & Eboy.

couple : Syikin & Bob
Couple : Arina & Acap

Petom,Apiez and Max.

Jastini & Amir

Anne,Malin and me trying to be like AJ.
Hey Anne,Malin,phm2 sudeyh.
Tak leyh letak full.

p/s : sayang,i hope u suka birthday u tahun ni.
I'd tried to make it fun and without ur expectations
yang kawan2 u pun ada to celebrate it.
Thanks to Nik for the place.