I just got back from SS (singgah selalu). Tired but seronok! Aku keluar rumah around 6pm cam tu. Straight went to CS ( city square) tengok movie,James Bond;Quantum of Solace. Interesting movie but a lil bit slow. Tp seronok la.Farid and Gemok tido je. Ishk nasib baik Farid tak berdengkur sblh aku,kalo tak,aku tapak sekali muka dia.haha. Gurau je Farid =p Sementara nak tggu 7.40pm masok cinema,g makan takoyaki dulu.Yeay yeay!
From CS,terus g SS lak sebab dah janji dgn Deena. Semalam tak jadi,kesian dia. Actually ni first time ok jumpe face to face dgn budak kecik tu! But dia best tapi cm segan2 sikit.weeeee.. Yang ade masa tu,aku,Deena,Farid,Petom,Gemok,Aspa,Izz,Ammar,Eyfa,Anip kejap je la,and spe entah kwn2 dorg,mls nk amik th.haha. Gelak2,kutuk2,amik2 gambar,mcm2 la smpai nk pecah perut tapi that was fun!yeay!
Actually after that Eyfa ajak karaoke but aku bukan tak nak g but entah la takot nk tggu siang nnti kot.Need some self-preparation,perlu ke?haha.Sorry eh Eyfa,next time kite enjoy lg ok ;)
Aku ajak Shena sbnrnye lepak sekali,then her mum ade plan something. So she cant make it. =(
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New Year?2 months ago
I Need BF Advice6 years ago
rindu nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee8 years ago
Pasal Toujours Advanced Collagen Shots9 years ago
Friday, November 7, 2008
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buat cupcake jer?
adehs..tp ok la plan dier tuh.. :P
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