Tadi pergi Alamanda dengan Apiez,at first nak tengok movie Upin Ipin but dah beratur,suddenly just got seat depan sekali.Siapa nak tengok?Memang mendongak la kan aku tengok nanti.So dengan hampa,aku pun bagitahu Apiez tengok nanti je. Hurm sedih je...
Masuk MPH sebab Eboy kirim calculator scientific,as usual,the bookstore is my fav place,so much time I spent at MPH,I take a look all the english novelle,buku masakan and macam-macam la.I bought a sand art! I know it sounds childish,but i loves it!It reminds me my childhood.hehe.
Erm I'm thinking of buying some english novelle which seems interesting to me but I had financial problem now and I'm waiting it becomes normal.Apiez wanna buy it for me but aku taknak sebab nanti 2-2 dah takde duit kan susah.Tu la siapa suruh belanja lupa diri kan duit dah habis,padan muka kau Fharina!
I want those books =(
(but i need to finish the currently novelle i'm reading)
Masuk MPH sebab Eboy kirim calculator scientific,as usual,the bookstore is my fav place,so much time I spent at MPH,I take a look all the english novelle,buku masakan and macam-macam la.I bought a sand art! I know it sounds childish,but i loves it!It reminds me my childhood.hehe.
Erm I'm thinking of buying some english novelle which seems interesting to me but I had financial problem now and I'm waiting it becomes normal.Apiez wanna buy it for me but aku taknak sebab nanti 2-2 dah takde duit kan susah.Tu la siapa suruh belanja lupa diri kan duit dah habis,padan muka kau Fharina!
I want those books =(
(but i need to finish the currently novelle i'm reading)
p/s : Neera,if u nak novel yang kawan u cakap tu,
tadi i jumpa dekat Mph Alamanda.hehe.
I ada but dekat Jb.
tadi i jumpa dekat Mph Alamanda.hehe.
I ada but dekat Jb.
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