I know you were jealous.
But its okay,my boyfriend and me still can smile widely and laugh loudly.
Btw,nice try :)
PART 1 :

PART 2 :
PART 3 :
PART 4 : *I know my mom has passed away and I'm the one who need to take those responsibility to take care of my siblings. One day you will know how it feels when your mom gone forever and someone ask you a RUDE question,unless you don't love your mom.
PART 5 : You get me wrong :)

But its okay,my boyfriend and me still can smile widely and laugh loudly.
Btw,nice try :)
PART 1 :

PART 2 :

kurang ajarnya, sabar ok ryna.
losers.jangan layan ok fharina =)
ps: dose aniaya anak yatim
syaz : hee thank you syaz :)
anonymous : thanks! :D
bodoh siot..sape tu anna yg ckp mcm tu..
aisha : aku sendiri tak tahu sha,kalau aku tahu,aku dah letak fullname dia.haha
sakit hati kot tgk u still pakai Armani, pakai Gucci, pakai Tommy even dah tak ada mak.
-ryna's thou.
hehe..tu r pasal..sabar lar anna..banyak banyak doa k..jaga adik adik bebaik taw..sayu jewk tgk anna masa p uma anna aritu..tetibe baca rasa sebak pulak..
ryna's thou : erkkk huh?HAHA!
aisha : heee semestinya akan ku jaga mereka semua dgn baik sha :) Thaank you darling! sayang kau laaaa <3
hee..adik ko syafiq tu comel..ingat time dye kecik dlu..mmg suka betol main bola yg lembut tu..kalo aq dtg dye ketawa..ko mesti bole jaga diowg ngn baik..
HAHA! sekarang ni dia dah jadi budak kecik yg gila wei!haha
sapa yang saiko ni?
k.iwa : tak tahu la k.iwa spe nth.jahat kan dia?
xbaek siakkkk kap cmtu..cm bodo jep..mayb dy jeles ngan kak anna..
Bukan macam bodoh,dah memang bodoh.hehe
farking hell, who the fark is that bastard hey? ish. takde guts. simbah asid baru tawu.
hee kalau ryn tahu,mesti ryn dah suh fiq tlg simbahkan asid kat muka dia :p
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