Well,semalam I balik kampung after its been berbulan-bulan I tak balik. So,I met with Dona and Doni and the other two yang I tak tahu apa nama dia. Omg! They're so cute with their long ear.Siapa tu? Okay,I'll tell you later!
Btw, I still teringat Luna bila tengok gambar dia and touching sedikit bila orang tanya pasal dia.I ada picture dia before dia ditanam.I miss you Luna!
Ada 2 reunion sekolah,Sek.Men.Keb.Bandar Baru Uda and Sek.Teknik Perdagangan Johor Bahru on 30th May and 19th June.But I haven't made any decision nak pergi ke tak. Siapa yang pergi?
p/s : I miss you Luna.
I miss you boyfriend.
I love you both.
I miss you boyfriend.
I love you both.
Lah.dak skola uda jer upernyer...kesah nyer dekat sgt la tuh..:)
dkt ke? u skolah mne?
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