Okay now,
not just one is dead.
So, tinggal 4.
By the way, they are twins.
So the twins are gone.
Lagi lagi kecewa :(
not just one is dead.
So, tinggal 4.
By the way, they are twins.
So the twins are gone.
Lagi lagi kecewa :(
When she roars..
Kelly tu sbenarnya kecik lagi,
umur dia mcm xsesuai je nak bunting,
u bg dia mengawan awal sgt kot,
need medical check up oftenly ryna.
she's only 1year and 7months.
maybe anak2 dia de masalah.
try google infos pasal ni k.
i'll pray for you..
i'm sorry for ur loss..
sk : :(
anonymous : kelly and keero mmg stay sekali dari dulu.
and ada orang kata if dah lebih 1 year and dorg dah tunjuk yg dorg nak mengawan.so its okay.
and i did a google about this,some say for the 1st pregnant cat,kbanyakknya tak semua yang hidup and for the mother tak tahu mcm mne coz first time.
btw,thank you :)
and who are you?
let make it this way ryna,
if your sister kahwin dlm umur dia 19tahun tu, u rasa de complication x?? n your mom get pregnant at this 42y.o..mcm2 risiko.
so letak lah situasi Kelly n Keero mcm tu. u cant force on this thing.
they're too young,
i may not understand these matter but, it's a common thought n logical thinking.
dr u nak sedih atas kematian itu,
atau u nak merasa happy bila tengok mak dgn anak2 sihat2
think wisely.
me?? friends of friends.
oh thank you for those advices :)
i'll learn from it.
thank you very much.
much pleasure young lady.
u lebih tahu your "kids" mcm mana.
so take care,
hug for your kittens!! :*
thank you ;)
owhh misteri nya anonymous nie..
sp kah pnasihat seperti doctor kucing ini?
kalau aku tahu,aku dah tlg jwbkn dh utk kau jah :)
i'm a research.
ye la tu :P
eh tertinggal "er"
ok, i'm a researcher ryna,
hurm nnt publishlah pic your kittens,
but, make sure tunggu sebulan dua k,
mereka pun mcm manusia,
masa kecik xelok amik gambar sgt,
semangat xkuat,
lagi2 belum buka mata.
i'm a doctor to be,
pray for me.
f or m?
do i know you?
first letter in ur name?
insyaallah.tu la i tggu besar sikit.
nnti i upload pic the babies okay :)
keep reading :)
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